Endless Endurance was created by the trio of an ultra running event planner (Jen), a tech nerd with a penchant for extreme races (Pete), and a 10lb Maltipoo that loves a good treat and long bike rides in his backpack (Chewie). We have been running events for years and we always find ourselves looking for races in the South Jersey area, but always end up having to travel a good bit to get our fix for the longer or unique endurance events.
Endless Endurance was created by the trio of an ultra running event planner (Jen), a tech nerd with a penchant for extreme races (Pete), and a 10lb Maltipoo that loves a good treat and long bike rides in his backpack (Chewie). We have been running events for years and we always find ourselves looking for races in the South Jersey area, but always end up having to travel a good bit to get our fix for the longer or unique endurance events.